
I am a mechanical engineer, with a deep passion for data science. During the course of my bachelors in mechanical engineering I found a deep passion for programming complex systems into python, and producing rewarding visualizations to better understand natural trends and phenomenon of the produced data. Eventually, after working for Molex as a Design Engineer Co-op I found a passion for building user interfaces to allow my team an automated workflow for processing our optical solutions data.

In my spare time I greatly enjoy reading up on the latest astronomical discoveries, as well as following general scientific discoveries through Nature Journal. My love of astronomy and all things spaces has produced a deep passion for astrophotography, a hobby that is not kind to ones wallet.

My Favorite book is Michio Kaku's Physics of the Future, a book that talks about how sci-fi tech could become everyday technology as we progress to the future, and better understand our natural world. I greatly enjoy Dr. Kaku's analysis of force fields, and how progress in room temperature super conductors could find us closer to such magnificent technological progresses.